
ECLIPSE publications

ECLIPSE Brochure 

Nuwangi, H, Dikomitis, L, Weerakoon, K, Liyanage, C, Agampodi, T. (2024) Stigma associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis in rural Sri Lanka: development of a conceptual framework, International Health. DOI 

Nuwangi, H, Dikomitis, L , Weerakoon, K, Agampodi, S, Agampodi, T. (2024) The psychosocial burden of cutaneous leishmaniasis in rural Sri Lanka: A multi-method qualitative study. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. DOI

Taffere, G., Temesgen, H., Haileselassie, B., Zerihun, Z., Wenning, B., Dikomitis, L., & Mulugeta, A. (2023). Linking research to end users through community engagement: an umbrella review. Journal of Public Health. DOI

Taffere, G.R., Abebe, H.T., Zerihun, Z. et al. (2023) Systematic review of community engagement approach in research: describing partnership approaches, challenges and benefits. Journal of Public Health (DOI)

NUWANGI H, AGAMPODI T, PRICE H, SHEPHERD T, WEERAKOON K and AGAMPODI S (2023). The stigma associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL): A protocol for a systematic review. Plos one 18, no. 5 (DOI) 

GUNASEKARA S, WICKRAMASINGHE N, AGAMPODI S, FERNANDO M, WEERAKOON K, LIYANAGE C, DIKOMITIS L and AGAMPODI T (2023). We do not rush to the hospital for ordinary wounds (suḷu tuvāla): A qualitative study on the early clinical manifestations of cutaneous leishmaniasis and associated health behaviours in rural Sri Lanka, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17(5) (DOI)

POLIDANO K, PARTON L, AGAMPODI S, AGAMPODI T, HAILESELASSIE B, LALANI J, MOTA C, PRICE HP, RODRIGUES S, TAFERE G, TRAD L, ZERIHUN Z and DIKOMITIS L (2022). Community engagement in cutaneous leishmaniasis research in Brazil, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka: a decolonial approach for global health. Front Public Health 10, 823844 (DOI)

GUNASEKARA SD, NUWANGI H, WICKRAMASINGHE ND, WEERAKOON K, PRICE HP, DIKOMITIS L and AGAMPODI SB (2022). Placing Leishmaniasis in the Limelight through the Communicable Disease Surveillance System: An Experience from Sri Lanka. Pathogens 11, 680 (DOI)

WENNING B, PRICE H, NUWANGI H, REDA KT, WALTERS B, EHSANULLAH R, VIANA G, ANDRAS A and DIKOMITIS L (2022). Exploring the cultural effects of gender on perceptions of cutaneous leishmaniasis: a systematic literature review. Glob Health Res Policy 7:34 (DOI)

POLIDANO K, WENNING B, RUIZ-CADAVID A, DAWAISHAN B, PANCHAL J, GUNASEKARA S, ABEBE H, MORAIS M, PRICE H and DIKOMITIS L (2022). Community-Based Interventions for the Prevention and Control of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: A Systematic Review. Social Sciences. 11:490 (DOI)

DIKOMITIS L, AGAMPODI S, MACHADO P, MULGETA A, TRAD L AND PRICE H (2021)Cutaneous leishmaniasis and mental health, Clinical Evaluation, 49:2 (DOI)