Clarice Mota is an Anthropologist with a master’s degree in Collective Health, PhD in Sociology at the Federal University of Bahia and a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of York (UK). Since 2009, she is a full-time professor at the Institute of Collective Health – Federal University of Bahia, under the Department of Public Health. Vice-coordinator of the Integrated Program for Research and Technical Cooperation Community, Family and Health (FASA). She participated in research projects as coordinator and researcher, focusing on communities and groups affected by social vulnerability, racial inequality and neglected diseases, such as: “Accessibility in Primary Health Care from the Perspective of the Black Population in a neighborhood of Salvador – focus on Sickle Cell Disease and Diabetes Melittus II” (2009-2011); The candomblé family and the religious network: role in the production of meanings and health care practices (2010-2012); Therapeutic itineraries of people with sickle cell disease in Salvador: a study on accessibility to health services (2014-2016); Vulnerability, Therapeutic Itineraries and Comprehensive Care in the face of Chronicity: focus on Sickle Cell Disease and Chronic Leuchemia (2017-2020). Current Teaching: Society, Culture and Health; Social Theories in Health; Contemporary Ethnography in Health. Research Interests: Sociology and Anthropology of Health; Social Protection Policies for Families and Vulnerable Groups; Therapeutic itineraries specially about Sickle Cell Disease; Theories of Race and Ethnicity; Institutional Racism; Qualitative Research Methods (ethnographic studies).
Address to access this Curriculum Vitae:
ORCID: 0000-0002-5168-7004
Articles/Chapter book published
BOMFIM TRAD, L. A., ALZATE LÓPEZ, Y. A., SOUZA DE ARAÚJO, V. ., BASILE, G. ., & SANTOS MOTA, C. A atrofia do social na construção discursiva sobre a pandemia da Covid-19 – desvelando ausências. Plural. Antropologías Desde América Latina Y Del Caribe, (10), 57-96, 2023.
POLIDANO, KAY ; PARTON, LINDA ; AGAMPODI, SUNETH B. ; AGAMPODI, THILINI C. ; HAILESELASSIE, BINEGA H. ; LALANI, JAYASUNDARA M. G. ; MOTA, CLARICE ; PRICE, HELEN P. ; RODRIGUES, STEFFANE ; TAFERE, GETACHEW R. ; TRAD, LENY A. B. ; ZERIHUN, ZENAWI ; DIKOMITIS, LISA . Community Engagement in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Research in Brazil, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka: A Decolonial Approach for Global Health. FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, v. 10, p. 2296-2565, 2022.
ROUGEON, MARINA ; TERRIBILI, Juliana. ; MOTA, Clarice. Lennemi (in)visible. Socioscapes. International Journal of Societies, Politics and Cultures, v. 3, p. 133-158, 2022.
MOTA, CLARICE; TRAD, LENY A. B. ; DIKOMITIS, LISA . Sickle Cell Disease in Bahia, Brazil: The Social Production of Health Policies and Institutional Neglect. SOCIETIES, v. 12, p. 108-128, 2022.
TRAD, L. A. B.; Mota, Clarice Santos ; SANTOS, D. A. ; PEDRANA, L. ; REZENDE, P. S. ; MOTA, S. ; PAULO, C. A. S. ; LÓPEZ, YEIMI ALEXANDRA ALZATE . Negacionismo, negligência e necropolítica a pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil e seus reflexos na população negra e indígena. In: Gonzalo Basile;Marinilda Rivera Díaz. (Org.). Epidemiología crítica del SARS-CoV-2 en América Latina y el Caribe: Determinación, dependencia y descoordinación regional. 1ed.Buenos Aires: CLACSO, v. 01, p. 347-371, 2022.
SILVA, G. S.; TRAD, L. A. B. ; LOPEZ, Y. ; MOTA, CLARICE SANTOS. “Eu fiquei sem chão quando o médico falou que eu ia morrer aos 18 anos”: Reflexões acerca da infância e juventude de pessoas com doença falciforme. In: Ilvana Lima Verde Gomes; Claúdia Patrícia da Silva Ribeiro Menezes; Débora Cristina Couto Oliveira Costa; Débora Pena Batista e Silva; Lívia Lopes Custódio. (Org.). Doença Crônica em crianças e adolescentes: Produção de saberes e desafios para a Saúde Coletiva. 1ed.Iguatu: Quipá Editora, v. 1, p. 1-208, 2022.
MOTA, C. S.; TRAD, L. A. B. ; DIKOMITIS, L. Insider-outsider positions during co-production: reflections from the Candomblé terreiros in Brazil. In: WILLIAMS, O., TEMBO, D., OCLOO, J., KAUR, M. HICKY, G., FARR, M. and BERESFORD, P. (Org.). COVID-19 and co-production in health and social care research, policy and practice. 1ed.Bristol: Policy Press, v. 2, p. 1-191, 2021.
MOTA, CLARICE; LÓPEZ, YEIMI; ROUGEON, MARINA TRAD, TERRIBILI, Juliana. EXPRESSÕES DO RACISMO AMBIENTAL EM DOIS TERRITÓRIOS NEGROS DE SALVADOR, BAHIA In: Saúde-doença-cuidado de pessoas negras: expressões do racismo e de resistência / Leny A. Bomfim Trad [et al.], (Organizadores) – Salvador: EDUFBA, 2021. 242 p
TRAD, LENY; MOTA, CLARICE; REIS, MARIETA . Axé! Santé, maladie et soins dans les terreiros de Candomblé de Bahia. Parcours Anthropologiques, v. 1, p. 64-84, 2021.
ROUGEON, MARINA ; MOTA, CLARICE ; TRAD, LENY . Racisme environnemental. Anthropen, v. 1, p. 1-7, 2021.
C.O. Airhihenbuwa; J. Iwelunmor; D. Munodawafa; C.L. Ford, T. Oni; C. Agyemang; C. MOTA; O.B. Ikuomola; L. Simbayi; M.P. Fallah; Z. Qian; B. Makinwa; C. Niang; I. Okosun. Culture Matters in Communicating the Global Response to COVID-19. Prev Chronic Dis 2020;17:200245. DOI:
SILVA, G., MOTA, C., TRAD, L. (2020) Racism, eugenics and sickle cell disorder: the case of a population screening program. Reciis – Rev Eletron Comun Inf Inov Saúde. 2020 abr.-jun.;14(2):355-71 (
MOTA, C. S.; TRAD, L. A. B.; SILVA, G. S.; LIRA, A.; DIAS, A. L. A. Racism and its impacts in lives of individuals with Sickle Cell Disease (book chapter)1 ed.Fortaleza: EdUECE, 2019, v.1, p. 256-292.
TRAD, LENY A. BOMFIM; MOTA, Clarice Santos; LÓPEZ, YEIMI ALEXANDRA ALZATE. Teaching social and human sciences in the collective health undergraduate course: between challenges and opportunities for transgressions. SAÚDE E SOCIEDADE (ONLINE). Fator de Impacto (2018 JCR): 0,4550, v.28, p.11 – 24, 2019
Beyond training courses: strategies of sensibilization to produce comprehensive health care for Sickle Cell Disease (book chapter) In: Doença falciforme: saberes e práticas do cuidado integral na Rede de Atenção à Saúde.1 ed.Fortaleza: EdUECE, 2019, v.1, p. 311-341.
MOTA, C. S.; ATKIN, K.; TRAD, L.A.B.; DIAS, A.L.A. Social disparities producing health inequities and shaping sickle cell disorder in Brazil. Health Sociology Review. 9130, v.1, p.1 – 13, 2017 (
MOTA, C. S.; TRAD, L.A.B.; LOPEZ, Y. A.; LIRA, A. Activism and itineraries for the right to health in two contexts of vulnerability: Sickle Cell Disease and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (Bool Chapter) In: Vulnerabilidades e resistências na integralidade do cuidado: pluralidades multicêntricas de ações, pensamentos e a (re)forma do conhecimento.1 ed.Rio de Janeiro : CEPESC / IMS /UERJ, 2017, v.1, p. 148-168.
TRAD, L. A. B.; ROCHA, A. A. R. M.; MOTA, C. S. Research versus Action? Researcher versus community? Engagement, and participation in Collective Health Research (Book Chapter) In: Contextos, parcerias e itinerários na produção do cuidado integral: diversidade e interseções.1 ed.Rio de Janeiro : CEPESC/ABRASCO, 2015, v.1, p. 25-42. ISBN: 9788589737906
MOTA, C. S.; VILLAS BOAS, M. J.V.B.; TRAD, L. A. B. “Take care of the orixa is to take care of myself”: notes about care in família de santo candomblé temples (Book Chapter) In: Contextos, parcerias e itinerários na produção do cuidado integral: diversidade e interseções.1 ed.Rio de Janeiro : CEPESC/ABRASCO, 2015, v.1, p. 317-336. ISBN: 9788589737906
REIS, M.; TRAD, L. A. B.; MOTA, C. S. Conceptions and Practices of care in a candomblé temple (Book Chapter) In: Contextos, parcerias e itinerários na produção do cuidado integral: diversidade e interseções.1 ed.Rio de Janeiro : CEPESC/ABRASCO, 2015, v.1, p. 337-350. ISBN: 9788589737906
TRAD, L. A. B.; MOTA, C.S.; VIEIRA, L.; VILLAS BOAS, M. J. Meanings and practices related to the body and the health care in candomblé temples. (Book Chapter) In: Candomblés: encruzilhadas de ideias.1 ed.SALVADOR: EDUFBA, 2015, p. 30-45. ISBN: 9788523214135
TRAD, L. A. B.; MOTA, C. S. Religion et ethnicité dans le candomblé de Bahia au Brésil : bref parcours historique et remarques ethnographiques In: Sociabilités, citoyenneté et liens sociaux en Amérique latine.01 ed.Mayenne : Presses Universitaires Rennes, 2013, v.01, p. 123-137. ISBN: 9782753527584
MOTA, C. S.; TRAD, L. A. B.; VILLAS BOAS, M.J. V.B. The role of religious experience in facing up to afflictions and health problems. INTERFACE (BOTUCATU. IMPRESSO). , v.16, p.665 – 675, 2012 (
MOTA, Clarice Santos and TRAD, Leny Alves Bomfim. We live to take care of the population: health care strategies and meanings for health, disease and healing in candomblé temples. Saude soc.[online]. 2011, vol.20, n.2, pp.325-337. ISSN 0104-1290.