The ECLIPSE team have worked with communities in CL-endemic regions to co-develop interventions, focusing on community empowerment, education campaigns and training packages for healthcare and education professionals. ECLIPSE interventions include the following: 

Community led films (brazil)

A film was co-produced between the ECLIPSE Brazil Arts team and eight women from the rural community of Orobó in Bahia. The women were asked to reflect on what a movie of their lives would contain and they filmed hundreds of short clips using mobile phones which were then sent to the arts team for editing. You can see from the launch here and the film is in the link below

A short film entitled ‘Every Day the Sun Rises’ was co-produced by the ECLIPSE Brazil team and members of the community in São Paulinho. The film features participants from across three generations, sharing experiences of their daily lives in this rural neighbourhood and giving a sense of the ‘extraordinary in the ordinary’. The film was launched at a special event in São Paulinho in April 2023, attended by community members, stakeholders and members of the ECLIPSE team from Brazil, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and the UK. Please see some photos from the film launch here.

Community led book (Brazil)

A book on the history of Corte de Pedra was co-produced by the ECLIPSE Brazil arts team and members of the ECLIPSE community in Corte de Pedra, where the Leishmaniasis Reference Centre is located.

Co-produced by the ECLIPSE Brazil arts team and members of the ECLIPSE community in Corte de Pedra, where the Leishmaniasis Reference Centre is located. The launch of the book “Histórias De Uma Terra da Pedra Cortada” took place in Corte de Pedra in July 2022. See photos from the launch event here

A podcast series entitled “ECLIPSE in one minute”

Produced by the ECLIPSE Brazil team. The episodes feature interviews with specialists or members of the study communities, with the voice-over and editing support of a local radio host in Corte de Pedra. Episodes cover a wide range of topics and titles to date include: “What are the main symptoms of cutaneous leishmaniasis”, “Prejudice towards leishmaniasis”, “What you can or cannot eat with leishmaniasis” and “I have already had leishmaniasis, can I get it again”. Many of the episodes directly address misinformation and gaps in knowledge identified during qualitative research.

You can listen to episodes 1-12 here and episodes 13-16 here

Kolama video (Sri LANKA)

The ECLIPSE Sri Lanka team identified a cultural preference for public health messages to be communicated via drama. The team worked together with community members to design an intervention to improve awareness of leishmaniasis using a type of traditional folk drama, Kolam. The final video of this intervention has been distributed on social media platforms since the end of 2022 for public use. Findings from ethnographic fieldwork in Sri Lanka identified local myths and beliefs associated with the disease, which were addressed by the Kolam intervention. 

ART and Health in Sri Lanka video

The ECLIPSE Sri Lanka team co-produced a video on Art and Health in Sri Lanka with community members. This video characterizes the cultural significance of how art is ingrained in promoting health and wellbeing of people. The objective was to create a foundation for the novel approach on utilizing community involvement and engagement (CEI) in a scientific manner by integrating the diverse disciplines of art, health and research. The video was filmed on location and a group of 25-30 community members were involved in design and providing resources.

CL Animation

An animation was produced by the ECLIPSE Sri Lanka team to raise awareness of CL, particularly among children and younger adults. The animation has two characters, a mosquito which is widely known to spread Dengue and a sand fly which is much less well known and can cause damage by stealth.

You can see the animation below.

Healthcare Training sessions

The ECLIPSE team have delivered a number of training sessions for healthcare and education professionals to raise awareness and understanding of CL, its transmission, treatment and control.

In Brazil the sessions were lead by the entomologist Bruno Cova

Photos showing training events in Bahia, Brazil (Photo credits to the Brazil ECLIPSE team)

The below photos show healthcare training sessions from the Ethiopia ECLIPSE team. The health professionals training was conducted in June 2023 at Hagere Selam town (near the Degua Tembien study site). 

The below photos show the Ethiopia team hosting training sessions for electronic data collectors to gain a deeper understanding of the cutaneous leishmaniasis burden in the area. 

The Ethiopia team gave training for Healthcare Professionals in Adishihu town. The trainees were very committed to serve the affected communities!


In 2023 the Sri Lanka team spoke to three different TV programmes about the project. #WEARE ECLIPSE 

In 2023 the Ethiopia ECLIPSE team spoke on TV about what CL is, transmission of the disease and treatment.