I was born and raised in the historic city of Axum in Tigrai, Ethiopia. After completing my high school in the same city, I went to College and studied Teacher Education. As a young graduate, I had to train would-be teachers and I was able to study the rural life while inspecting some of my students. After I did my PhD in Educational Psychology in the Netherlands, I have taught for many years. I have also been working at various leadership positions at Mekelle University. Because of my training and experience, I have a great passion for teaching. Besides teaching, I have also been involved in a number of research projects, especially in the areas of student learning and teaching excellence.
Recently, I have been involved research focussed on the lives and livelihoods of rural communities. This experience gave me the opportunity to critically study the lifestyles and belief systems of the rural communities. It was, in fact, enlightening to listen to community members and explore their wisdom and indigenous way of surviving challenges and calamities. I have also been working with a team of experienced researchers and social scientists across the world and was able to participate in scientific debates. My recent publications with professionals from various disciplinary backgrounds are reflections of these experiences.
I am excited to work with the ECLIPSE team. I believe this provides opportunities for our students and researchers to critically examine the communities’ perceptions of the cause and impact of the disease, its impact on their quality of life and the preventive mechanisms as well as treatment options.